Sunday, 28 August 2016


“Being a Practical dreamer is a choice, the choice you make when you start to create your dream life rather than being a victim of your circumstances” 
- Claud Williams; Managing Director of Dream Nation 

Earlier this week I attended the Dream Nation “I have a dream” conference in Clapham Junctions' “The Grand”. The topics included, Personal finance, Branding and the importance of Resilience. I learnt so much that evening and decided to quickly put together this post to share with you guys the lessons I picked up that day. I began this blog because I wanted to create a space where I could share an honest insight into journeys, my own as well as other creatives, something I do with my “Convos With Chi” Series (look out for Volume 2 coming soon!) and what I loved most about the talk was how honest the speakers were about their journeys and the ongoing battles they face amidst all their successes. 

Below are some of my take away points & visuals from the night. 

1. Success is not Linear; people who are “successful” aren't immune to failure, they take L’s just as much as the next person, the difference is they choose to get up and be better each time. Similarly, just because we're struggling at one point in our lives doesn't mean that success is not for us or that we'll be struggling forever. In these times its important to practice resilience and know that our time is coming.
2.“Finding yourself” doesn't (always) happen over night, just because its taking a little longer to find your identity and your career path doesn't mean that its never going to happen. Coming into your true self is a life long task.
  3.  Perfection is overrated, unrealistic and can become a huge problem factor within our lives. The pursuit of "perfection" can make us undervalue ourselves as well as our work.
  4. Failure is ok! The more we fail the more we learn.
5. Leadership isn't always about the positive effects you have on people, its also about dealing with the negative side of things, having the strength to make difficult decisions that might effect other people for the good of your company/start up.

PIPPA JAMIESON; CEO & Founder of the Dots
On her start up: "I've made so many mistakes, when it comes to business its all about persevering." 

LORRAINE  WRIGHT; UBS Director & Founder of UGCY. 
On personal finance: "Give some, Save some, Invest some, Spend that order. The biggest mistake that people can make when it comes to money is not saving early enough." 

 WILL VANDER HART; Director of Mind and Soul Foundation
On perfectionism and creativity: "Perfectionism is a serious challenge to your ability to get anything done. Perfectionism is self abuse in the highest order- Gratitude is the antidote to perfectionism."

 [To their 21 Year old self] "I would say, I am whole, perfect and complete. That I am great, to step into your greatness. You were born to make a difference in someone else's life." - Elaine Powell  

Cheeky bathroom pic- unfortunately the only picture
I got of my outfit the whole night! 

Outfit Details: 

*All pictures were taken on my iPhone 6s 

More info on Dream Nation can be found here, thanks for reading. 
Love & Light 