Tuesday, 27 October 2015


“You were put on this earth to achieve your greatest self, to live out your purpose, and to do it courageously.”

 - Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free. 

Lately I've been thinking a lot about purpose and how it is that we find out what we want and where we want to go with our lives. With the explosion of social media and its ability to allow us an insight into people’s lives it seems that these days so many more people are living theirs. 

However, this can be quite difficult if we’re still trying to find out exactly what our purpose is. 

The thing I've realised about purpose is that it can either come all at once or materialise slowly over a period of time. The harder we work and are willing to fight to understand what it is that we truly want the faster we are likely to get there. So...

-  Identify the things you love or like doing
- Identify the potential challenges you might come across and how you could deal with them
-  Invest time into researching how these spaces operate, what an average persons day who works in that field looks like and most importantly...
 - Take action, get out of your comfort zone and explore, experiment with these things, reach out to people who are doing what you like… ask them for advice, if they don’t reply move onto the next person. 

(While these things are much easier said than done, these are things that I've found to provide the most clarity when I was searching for my own. Anything worth pursing takes courage, but don't let that discourage you.)

Most importantly BELIVE that you will achieve something great with your life. Its easy to look at others and wish we had their purpose/situation but ask yourself  What has it cost them? Am I willing to sacrifice what they have in order to get it? Don't get deterred by another persons blessings, because you’ll end up forgetting about your own. As Shawnda Patterson (aka BronzeGoddess01) so eloquently put it “God doesn't reheat blessings! He will create in you a new thing.” 

So keep pushing for that thing. A saying I've heard time and time again is “You’re not dead yet!” The fact that we’re still breathing means there’s still hope, so if you haven't found that what it is yet theres still time and the opportunity to create in yourself a person who lives with purpose. 

C x 

Details for my go to casual look: Hat: Nike | Grey T-Shirt: Zara | Jeans: Topshop Joni | Trainers: Nike Rosche Runs

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